Monday, 12 May 2014


Primary Research is usually undertaken when the researcher has established a subject worth investigating. This particular type of research can range from detailed background/similar topics to interviews with specialists or a group of selected respondents just to find out some opinions. Simply, primary research is gathered information from various sources, including experiments, tests & investigations.
I believe creating surveys/questionnaires are the easiest to collecting data. When gaining information I needed for my documentary, I created an online survey using Smart Survey. I asked various types of questions that related to my proposal & idea to my documentary. Making the questions short & to the point increased my response rate. I believe this is a necessity when asking people questions. I had a total of 46 people answer my survey.

Secondary Research differs from Primary. Although they are both as necessary, secondary research already has a base which can be driven from. Primary research is almost always started from scratch, gathering information & collecting data. Secondary research basically looks into background concepts of the chosen subject. For my chosen subject of family gaming, I looked into a lot of different websites about gaming itself, how gaming affects us & different opinions on gaming - this ranged from the game players to the families. When using secondary research in my project, I used opinions based on what my family has been through with gaming, I didn't really use any research from books or newspapers etc, so secondary research didn't really apply to what I was doing, although it's necessary for most media based productions.

Quantitative Research is a much more structured & numeric way of collecting data. Methods of quantitative research often includes surveys - whether they are online or not. Together, all of the collected data comes together to create statistics revolved around attitudes and opinions. To collect data for my production, I used a website called Smart Survey and had a variety of different people answer my questions that I had set up for them. I also put this in my primary research as this was the only way I had collected data. Qualitative research usually follows quantitative research, this type of research provides insights into different hypothesis for later research. Usually, the particular type of research gathers data about human behaviour. The method of this is similar to the rest, using pictures, group discussions and other materials. I paid a lot of attention to the stereotypes of gaming, especially looking on online websites that explained family video gaming wasn't healthy etc and it was mostly revolved around younger males. I wanted to change that and revolve it around females - so I made myself a central character so it was more female orientated.

Data Gathering Agencies. A lot of websites upload data that has been collected over the time periods of weeks/months and sometimes years. This data can range from almost anything. BARB is an online source where you can view television figures in the UK. When thinking about Factual Programming, it's good to first research about your audience (who you're planning on targeting). Looking on this website, I was able to see the figures for documentary's that were shown on Channel 4 (I chose this Channel because research showed it previewed the most amount of documentaries. IMDB is an online website which releases information about Movies, TV Series and even Video Games. This site actually lets people log on & change/add material - providing it's right. It allows Actors to post resumes, providing they pay a fee.

Audience and Market Research. Market Research consists of 3 different researching methods, this includes Quantitative, Qualitative and Hybrid. The purpose of Market Research is to reach out to your demographics to see if the media product will be accepted. When thinking about creating something that needs to have strong background research to help with statistics, it's best to think about who you will specifically target in the audience. Demographically, I thought my best age range would be towards younger viewers (teenagers/young adults), but then I thought it may have been too broad & widened it for all gamers of all ages who specifically play games with families. I thought this would be best as it's the audience that I could mostly relate to.

Production Research. "The collection of and analysis of information for the content". Production Research collects everything that you will need before the media production. For example, most media productions think about a variety of different releases that they will need approval of before filming. The same as a game producers need to think about factors that include pricing, distributions and promotions. Before I could start shooting for my documentary I had to get permission from every family member that would be in the documentary. Usually I would fill out a budget sheet, this wasn't needed for this particular media production as it took place in my house with equipment borrowed from the college.

Once the data has been collected it's time to start Assessing the Data. Doing this, you will have to review over all of the questionnaires/surveys results and start identifying. I used Smart Survey and once I had collected everything, I began going through and assessing the data that I needed. This was done by going onto my results & just scrolling through the answers which would help me find out if my target audience would want to see my documentary & if they thought it was interesting etc. Some problems that were identified was that some people did not take the survey seriously, which resulted in some answers having to be taken out of my overall result - I had enough answers so it wasn't a major problem.

Validity. I can't be certain if the answers were 100% truthful, I'm hoping they were. For example, some people could have just put what I wanted to see when the time came to evaluate my answers. I did have some that were not interested but that still helped me shape my results. I can't prove anything as it was all done online without my influence.

1 comment:

  1. You wrote 'preach out' when you meant 'reach out'! This is a solid pass and will easily become a merit at least when you you have added some things in.

    Firstly try to be a little clearer with your basic definitions. Ask me to help you with this. Secondly add in some examples drawn from real media production. Eg what sort of audience research might a film production company do? Also think more about market research - eg into other products in the market and how they might relate to yours. We did some of this when we were looking at the number of other documentaries on in peak time. You could add a link to this work here.
